From the depths of my darkness I emerged into the light. I feel happier, lighter and everything appears brighter. My problem is that my friends now think that I think that I am just to good for them all because I haven’t much to contribute these days to the negative tone of most conversations that we have. They all seemed to like me better when I was in the darkest period of my life. I feel guilty that I am leaving them behind if I decide to spend less and less time with them. How can I apologize and explain this to them so that they understand?
I love, love, love your story. You have expressed it quite eloquently in two beautiful sentences. This is what I would like to tell you about your “problem.” You will never draw a large audience or be amongst the most popular when you choose to bypass the drama in our own life and in other peoples lives. In this case specifically your friends lives. Why would you ever feel the need to apologize to anyone for feeling happier and lighter? The best thing that you could possibly do for yourself and for your friends is to be true to yourself; remain in your light and through your living example of your renewed connection to yourself, illuminate the way for all of those who wish to follow you to the place where everything appears brighter.