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Posts Tagged ‘Cybersex’

Cannot Compete With Pornography

I have run out of ways to hold my boyfriends attention in the bedroom. I know that this is my issue and you are probably going to say that I am being insecure but I cannot compete with all the pornographic sites that I find him perusing. How can I trump something that is not […]

What About My Wife

I found the love of my life my sophomore year in High School. We dated until we both went off to college in different parts of the country. I thought about her all the time but we never reconnected until now, thirty years later. We found each other on Facebook and it has been life […]

Is Cybersex Cheating?

I like cybersex; am I cheating on my girlfriend? – Anonymous Having a virtual experience cannot take the place of the real thing. In many ways it can actually enhance the sexual experience that you are having with your girlfriend. The more important question is, how do you feel about having cybersex? If it feels […]