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Posts Tagged ‘Ego’

Jealousy Of Past Lovers

My current partner and I were sharing a very good level of of being together and trusting each other for about 18 months until last Aug. At that time I was using her computer and found rather explicit pictures of herself sent to her previous short term lover/possible partner of only 8 months duration. I […]

Hanging In The Balance

 I have a sense about my wife’s infidelities and have not known what to do about them. My fear is that if I do admit this to myself then I will have to do something about it and I am not sure that I am emotionally strong enough to do anything. I feel like my […]

Lying And Cheating

My husband has been lying and cheating on me for god knows how long. How could I be so stupid to think that he could stay faithful to me with a job that takes him jet-setting around the globe? Now what? There are many ways that you can begin to process your disheartening discovery. The […]

My Parents Marital Issues

After I graduated from college last year I landed the most incredible job. My parents set me up in a very chic two bedroom apartment that they bought as an investment in Manhattan. At their insistence I pay almost nothing in rent and they come into the city now and then and spend the weekend […]

Cannot Compete With Pornography

I have run out of ways to hold my boyfriends attention in the bedroom. I know that this is my issue and you are probably going to say that I am being insecure but I cannot compete with all the pornographic sites that I find him perusing. How can I trump something that is not […]

A Open Sexual Relationship

I thought that I could be all open and shit and handle a open sexual relationship with this girl that I have been seeing. It was all fine and good until I would run into her and she was with another guy. I am pissed at myself for not being secure enough to handle this […]

I Never Feel Like I Am Enough

I really struggle with feeling like I am enough. Everything that I have accomplished I thought I was doing for myself but I always seem to be looking for recognition from others, especially my father. He expects everything from me that I expect from myself but I just want to feel like he is proud […]

It Is True What They Say

It is true what they say “where ever you go there you are” I keep taking my same old patterns to every new situation whether it be a relationship, job or new living situation. How can I break this predictable and unwanted path that I am on? Yes it is true, where ever we go here […]

Here Goes Everything

Dearest Jamie, I am having a delicious affair with a loving, oh so adoring and extremely attentive unmarried man who is 10 years younger than myself. I cannot remember when I have felt this happy. I keep waiting for the guilt and self hatred to set in, but it is not happening. If anything I am […]

He Wants Me To Find A Lover

My husband has not been interested in sex since he lost his job 14 months ago. He begs me to go on one of those dating sites for married people and find a lover. He is consumed with guilt about neglecting the emotional and physical aspect of our marriage and he says that it is […]

What About My Wife

I found the love of my life my sophomore year in High School. We dated until we both went off to college in different parts of the country. I thought about her all the time but we never reconnected until now, thirty years later. We found each other on Facebook and it has been life […]

A Dangerously Delightful Proposition

We consider ourselves the gang of six. It is me, my two best girlfriends and their husbands. We all got married and had our children at the same time, have gone on every spring vacation together and continue to celebrate our grown children’s highs and lows, together. My girlfriends and I are all turning 50 […]

Getting Our Needs Met

If we only have unconditional relationships with people how on earth do we ever get our needs met? The way that you have asked this question leads me to belive that you believe that our needs are meant to be met by others. I have a different senseability about this. Our choice to unconditionally love, […]

Lost in Expectation

  I find myself  judging everyone and wanting them to be more like myself- polite, communicative and respectful. Is this really asking so much of the human race? It is my belief that we have not come here to change anyone. What we have come here to do is relax into the essence of who […]

Career Change

I have been living on my own since leaving my dysfunctional alcoholic mother and her big time loser live in boyfriend. As a straight A student in high school I used to dream about going to college and actually making something of myself. I have been supporting myself by waitressing at a diner in the […]

My Double Life

I have always felt as if I am living a double life. Where I came from is not anywhere that anyone that I know could ever imagine or understand. I have successfully escaped the nightmare that I call ‘my childhood’, so I thought. The identity that I have created for myself is reflected in my […]

My Wife

My wife is a devout follower of Abraham Hicks and you of course. She takes complete responsibility for her own happiness and never comments on my perpetual state of unhappiness. I feel bad about myself when I consider the lack of contribution that I make to her internal happy state of being. My greatest fear […]

Falling In Love

Why do I lose myself when I fall in love? Falling in love is such a beautiful thing and it is also a chemical thing. The research shows that when a person falls in love, 12 areas of the brain work together to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopression.We can easily […]

My Unfaithful Husband

After almost 40 years of marriage I just discovered that my husband has been unfaithful. He admitted to me that he has been so at different times during our marriage but currently this is not one of them. This discovery came to my attention a few days before one of our grown children was to […]

How Can I Control Myself

It happens especially when I am in a great relationship with the perfect women, which I am now. I get restless and wreck less. I stray from my secure relationship and am out on the prowl for hot sex. I have ruined many good relationships because of this almost uncontrollable, immature sexual urge. I just […]

Convincing My Own Mind

My mind is very busy and seems to run away with itself. I have tried like the dickens to slow down the barrage of self sabotaging thoughts that I find myself having throughout my days and nights. The crazy thing is that I have many good things going for me in my life right now. […]

Politics Are Killing My Marriage

When my wife and I married we agreed to take two subjects off of the table politics and religion. This has worked well for us up until these past few months. We abandoned our agreement and now both of these subjects are putting considerable distance between us in our marriage. How can I stop reacting […]

Needing Other People

Do you think that it is possible to become so happy being in our own company that we stop needing other people? I believe that when we have a connected loving relationship with our selves which stems from the ongoing internal conversation that we go on to have with our selves, we feel good. From […]

Please Help Me

Please help me. I am in a emotionally abusive relationship and cannot find any power in knowing this. In fact I hate myself for not having the guts to leave. How is knowing and not doing anything about it having power? I would like to assist you in better understanding the power of having access […]