Wished for and most welcome


Jealousy Of Past Lovers

My current partner and I were sharing a very good level of of being together and trusting each other for about 18 months until last Aug. At that time I was using her computer and found rather explicit pictures of herself sent to her previous short term lover/possible partner of only 8 months duration. I […]

Am I Activating Old Stuff

Both of my parents are emotionally cut off from themselves. When I went off to college I found the emotional connection to myself. Over time I slowly learned to trust myself in most of my relationships until now. I am in a long term relationship with a guy who says all the right things and […]

Why Do I Keep Attracting Mr. Wrong

Why do I keep attracting the wrong man? I let them in my life, then they throw mean and hurtful things in my face. And they use my honesty against me. My latest is harassing me with phone calls. He won’t stop even after he’s been warned by the police. Another, is with me only […]

A Test From The Universe

 I work a 10 to 12 hour day at a job that I love and don’t have time for anything that isn’t related to work, certainly not a relationship. I promised myself that if I got my dream job that I wouldn’t ask for anything else. I kept my word and haven’t put much thought […]

Alignment Before Action

My roommate engages in all kinds of what I consider to be promiscuous sexual behavior uses drugs and frequently drinks alcohol in excess. She has no consequences not a STD a hang over or an overdose. Mystified, I asked her to justify her behavior and she said one word ‘alignment’ and then she handed me […]

Showing Up Offline

I am really good at having online relationships with men and not so good when it comes to having the real thing. I can hide my slightly overweight body and less than perfect skin and feel really confident from my laptop but, I completely lose my sense of confidence when I am interacting with them […]

Looking For Love

I am looking for a loving, spiritually connected, financially abundant, handsome, and all around great man to spend my life with. All of my married and unmarried friends say ‘good luck with that.’ I refuse to go to that place they all call the ‘real world’ of relationships. I want to attract this man into […]

Worried For Our Mom

My parents got divorced when I was 13 and my brother was 14 and we have always lived with our mom and saw our dad some weekends when he wasn’t busy with his girlfriends. We are now 17 and 18 and our mom has not been out on one single date, that we know about. […]

What Was I Thinking?

My 16 year old daughter has been interested in boys since the young age of 13. Since this time she has either been crushing on boys or dating boys. She has repeatedly told me not to worry because she knows what she is doing. I have believed this to be true until last week. I […]

Career Change

I have been living on my own since leaving my dysfunctional alcoholic mother and her big time loser live in boyfriend. As a straight A student in high school I used to dream about going to college and actually making something of myself. I have been supporting myself by waitressing at a diner in the […]

My Double Life

I have always felt as if I am living a double life. Where I came from is not anywhere that anyone that I know could ever imagine or understand. I have successfully escaped the nightmare that I call ‘my childhood’, so I thought. The identity that I have created for myself is reflected in my […]

Falling In Love

Why do I lose myself when I fall in love? Falling in love is such a beautiful thing and it is also a chemical thing. The research shows that when a person falls in love, 12 areas of the brain work together to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopression.We can easily […]

Safe Sex

I am a 56 year old recently divorced women who has been out of the dating scene for a very long time. What are your thoughts about who should have the condoms available for safe sex. Do I carry them with me or do I assume that these men that I am going to date […]

I Am Stuck

We are two young professional girls living in a big apartment in the city and only one of us is having a good time. My roommate is out every night with different friends and on the weekends always manages to hook up with some great guy. Then there is me. I am home everyday after work […]

Not Another Fling

I met up with a guy last night that I’ve known for over two years but haven’t seen him in almost a year. He had just ended a live-in relationship with someone two weeks ago, although he said he had decided he was “out” of the relationship six months ago. He was sweet and we had […]

Am I Turning Gay

I am a junior in college and for as long as I can remember I have only been interested in guys. I was involved in 2 long term relationships that both ended in friendships. The thing is that lately I have find myself feeling physically attracted to girls. I have friends that are lesbians and […]

Losing Myself

I am really on top of my game when it comes to taking care of myself, as long as I am not in any kind of intimate relationship. As soon as I get involved with someone that I care about I seem to lose myself and focus all of my attention on the other person […]

All Consumed?

I am consumed with a women that does not even know that I exist. We work together in the same large office and I spend a fair amount of time finding any excuse possible to pass by her desk on the way to the break room which is also on the way to the bathroom […]

My Past

I have come a million miles from the sexually, physically and emotionally abusive home that I was raised in. I have severed all ties with both of my parents, have moved to a different state and have spent many, many years finding me again. The last long term relationship that I was in was for […]

Spicing Up My Sex Life?

What are some fun ways to spice things up in my sex life? It all begins in our minds. When we are able to put our other thoughts and worries away and allow ourselves to engage in the pleasure of thinking about sex, talking about sex, fantasying about sex we can then begin to reconnect […]

New Year’s Eve?

I am a 25 year old professional in the financial world. I work hard and party even harder. I go out most weekends with girlfriends to clubs and bars and just let loose, literally. It is not unusual for me to wake up in a mans bed who I met that evening. My M. O. […]

My New Sexual Identity

I am recently divorced, with primary custody of our teenagers, and I do not know how to let my former spouse and teens know that I identify myself as bisexual.  This is new for me as well as for them.  Please advise.  Thank you! I would like to suggest to you that before you discuss […]

Sex And The Brain

What is that feeling after being with a lover and having a luscious time with them?   It almost feels like being “in love”. I feel like I’m floating and happy and easy breezy.  It feels great. If I don’t see my lover again for awhile, does that feeling have to leave – how can I […]

Do We All Have A Shot?

I am a successful nice looking 41 year old single man. I go out with a lot of beautiful interesting women but do not feel compelled to start a lasting relationship with any of them. Part of me thinks that I should be more practical because I want to get  married and have a family […]