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Posts Tagged ‘Sex’

Jealousy Of Past Lovers

My current partner and I were sharing a very good level of of being together and trusting each other for about 18 months until last Aug. At that time I was using her computer and found rather explicit pictures of herself sent to her previous short term lover/possible partner of only 8 months duration. I […]


I have done the unthinkable! We were drunk and I slept with my girlfriends fiance. OMG and WTF am I going to do? What kills me is that he will be having sex with other women and he is engaged to my soon to be x girlfriend. Do I warn her knowing that our friendship […]

Hanging In The Balance

 I have a sense about my wife’s infidelities and have not known what to do about them. My fear is that if I do admit this to myself then I will have to do something about it and I am not sure that I am emotionally strong enough to do anything. I feel like my […]

Lying And Cheating

My husband has been lying and cheating on me for god knows how long. How could I be so stupid to think that he could stay faithful to me with a job that takes him jet-setting around the globe? Now what? There are many ways that you can begin to process your disheartening discovery. The […]

Checking Out Other Men

I am happily married yet find myself checking out other men like all of the time. What is wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with you. Just because your on a diet it does not mean that you cannot read the dessert menu. We can be physically attracted to many people and it does not […]

Where Do I Begin

I am ready to have a life partner after so many years of going it alone. My question is where do I begin? You have already begun through the identification of your new desire. Think not one moment about where you have been and instead begin moving directly onto envisioning, one detailed thought and feeling […]

A Open Sexual Relationship

I thought that I could be all open and shit and handle a open sexual relationship with this girl that I have been seeing. It was all fine and good until I would run into her and she was with another guy. I am pissed at myself for not being secure enough to handle this […]

Here Goes Everything

Dearest Jamie, I am having a delicious affair with a loving, oh so adoring and extremely attentive unmarried man who is 10 years younger than myself. I cannot remember when I have felt this happy. I keep waiting for the guilt and self hatred to set in, but it is not happening. If anything I am […]

He Wants Me To Find A Lover

My husband has not been interested in sex since he lost his job 14 months ago. He begs me to go on one of those dating sites for married people and find a lover. He is consumed with guilt about neglecting the emotional and physical aspect of our marriage and he says that it is […]

What About My Wife

I found the love of my life my sophomore year in High School. We dated until we both went off to college in different parts of the country. I thought about her all the time but we never reconnected until now, thirty years later. We found each other on Facebook and it has been life […]

She Is Reading A Sex Trilogy

My wife reads a lot and I usually do not give much thought to her reading selections but this book has really gotten my attention. Not only is she reading a sex trilogy she wants me to blind fold her with my tie take her over my knee and spank her and then have kinky […]

Have Never Prayed Harder For Anything

The happiest memories of my childhood are from the times spent with my mother. I was an extension of her and she loved and adored me with all of her heart. I wanted to be a mother myself one day too share this sweet relationship with my own child. I am 34 years old and […]

What Was I Thinking?

My 16 year old daughter has been interested in boys since the young age of 13. Since this time she has either been crushing on boys or dating boys. She has repeatedly told me not to worry because she knows what she is doing. I have believed this to be true until last week. I […]

It Is All About The Sex

It is not all about the sex, but it is all about the sex. Every since that starry summer night when my totally hot 18 year old neighbor sweetly introduced me to sex (upon my request) I have used sex as the emotional gateway to the connection with myself. It is the sex that drives […]

Losing Her Virginity

If a women loses her virginity, does it mean that she no longer deserves to be respected? I have always thought about virginity as something that you give away happily and willingly. We must honor and cherish ourselves; both of which fall into the category of deeply respecting ourselves. It is a beautiful thing when […]

Falling In Love

Why do I lose myself when I fall in love? Falling in love is such a beautiful thing and it is also a chemical thing. The research shows that when a person falls in love, 12 areas of the brain work together to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopression.We can easily […]

My Unfaithful Husband

After almost 40 years of marriage I just discovered that my husband has been unfaithful. He admitted to me that he has been so at different times during our marriage but currently this is not one of them. This discovery came to my attention a few days before one of our grown children was to […]

Safe Sex

I am a 56 year old recently divorced women who has been out of the dating scene for a very long time. What are your thoughts about who should have the condoms available for safe sex. Do I carry them with me or do I assume that these men that I am going to date […]

How Can I Control Myself

It happens especially when I am in a great relationship with the perfect women, which I am now. I get restless and wreck less. I stray from my secure relationship and am out on the prowl for hot sex. I have ruined many good relationships because of this almost uncontrollable, immature sexual urge. I just […]

Abundantly Clear

I have been intimately involved with a married man for 3 years. His wife has MS and from the beginning of our sexual relationship he made his position abundantly clear to me. He loves her and will never leave her. I went into this relationship with my eyes wide open but I believe that I […]

Sexual Pleasure

When is sexual pleasure with multiple partners considered to be promiscuity The definition of the word promiscuous as well as the inference implies that of someone whom is indiscriminate, casual and somehow haphazard or irresponsible. The judgement within this adjective is completely contrary to the word and meaning of pleasure. We can certainly choose to […]

So Now What

My father beat my mother daily and when I turned 13 I stepped in and called the police. We moved away from my father that year and have not seen him since. I am now 22 years old and have come to realize that every women that I get involved with is somehow needing to […]

She Has A Right To know

I live in New Jersey and take the train into NYC for my job. My co-worker lives in NYC and we have a nice rapport with one another. We casually chat about our spouses but I have never met her husband, only seen photos of him on her desk. I recently saw him in my […]

Am I Just Being Naive

My fiance is going to Las Vegas for his friends bachelor party and despite what my girlfriends say about “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” I am not at all worried. Am I being as naive as they tell me I am being ? It is funny how everyone, especially our friends often have […]