Jealousy Of Past Lovers
My current partner and I were sharing a very good level of of being together and trusting each other for about 18 months until last Aug. At that time I was using her computer and found rather explicit pictures of herself sent to her previous short term lover/possible partner of only 8 months duration. I […]
Attracting A Bad Situation
If I attracted a bad situation into my experience and this is a reflection of where I am vibrationally then how do I get out of it? I do not believe that there are any bad vibrations nor do I believe that there are any bad situations. What I do believe is that we come […]
Am I Activating Old Stuff
Both of my parents are emotionally cut off from themselves. When I went off to college I found the emotional connection to myself. Over time I slowly learned to trust myself in most of my relationships until now. I am in a long term relationship with a guy who says all the right things and […]
I Am A Professional Writer
I am a professional writer. I live my life through the characters that I construct for my stories. Lately it occurs to me that I am missing out on living my own life. What are your thoughts? What an interesting question. I would like to think that the characters that you construct for your stories […]
Miss Having A Partner
I am a stay at home mom with 2 small children and I am completely miserable in my marriage. I feel like a single parent because my husband wants nothing to do with me and the children. He financially provides for our family yet is not the least bit interested in interacting with us. He […]
Hanging In The Balance
I have a sense about my wife’s infidelities and have not known what to do about them. My fear is that if I do admit this to myself then I will have to do something about it and I am not sure that I am emotionally strong enough to do anything. I feel like my […]
Why Do I Keep Attracting Mr. Wrong
Why do I keep attracting the wrong man? I let them in my life, then they throw mean and hurtful things in my face. And they use my honesty against me. My latest is harassing me with phone calls. He won’t stop even after he’s been warned by the police. Another, is with me only […]
Lying And Cheating
My husband has been lying and cheating on me for god knows how long. How could I be so stupid to think that he could stay faithful to me with a job that takes him jet-setting around the globe? Now what? There are many ways that you can begin to process your disheartening discovery. The […]
A Test From The Universe
I work a 10 to 12 hour day at a job that I love and don’t have time for anything that isn’t related to work, certainly not a relationship. I promised myself that if I got my dream job that I wouldn’t ask for anything else. I kept my word and haven’t put much thought […]
Alignment Before Action
My roommate engages in all kinds of what I consider to be promiscuous sexual behavior uses drugs and frequently drinks alcohol in excess. She has no consequences not a STD a hang over or an overdose. Mystified, I asked her to justify her behavior and she said one word ‘alignment’ and then she handed me […]
Reaching Out
When I reach out to help my friends in need I get pulled under and my own life suffers. How can I be there for them and not undermine my stability and self growth? The interesting thing about helping our friends in need is that we can only be helpful to them if we remain […]
Free Will
If you believe that we all have free will then what is the value of going to a fortune teller or a psychic reader? There are many reasons that people seek spiritual guidance. I believe that we are all born with a knowing. Choosing to access this knowing is what gives each and every one […]
My Parents Marital Issues
After I graduated from college last year I landed the most incredible job. My parents set me up in a very chic two bedroom apartment that they bought as an investment in Manhattan. At their insistence I pay almost nothing in rent and they come into the city now and then and spend the weekend […]
What Is The Point Of Honesty
Why should we tell the truth if we know that it is going to cause the person pain and potentially put an end to an important relationship? This is an interesting question. I believe that it is important that we be honest and open with ourselves first and foremost. It is this ongoing relationship that […]
He Found Our Stash
My husband and I smoke marijuana recreationally. Yesterday our 14 year old son found our stash and confronted us asking if it was all right for him to smoke marijuana? We responded by saying that when he becomes an adult he can make that choice for himself. Should we have responded differently to our sons […]
An Inside Job
I look outside of myself as a way of gauging my feelings. If it is a sunny day and the stock market is up then I feel great. If however my girlfriend or my mother is upset with me I do not feel so good. My self esteem comes from how much I am valued […]
Where Do I Begin
I am ready to have a life partner after so many years of going it alone. My question is where do I begin? You have already begun through the identification of your new desire. Think not one moment about where you have been and instead begin moving directly onto envisioning, one detailed thought and feeling […]
A Open Sexual Relationship
I thought that I could be all open and shit and handle a open sexual relationship with this girl that I have been seeing. It was all fine and good until I would run into her and she was with another guy. I am pissed at myself for not being secure enough to handle this […]
Father’s Day
It is almost Father’s Day, that one day that I think to myself ‘so what! Where was that asshole when I was growing up?’ Because I receive a card and phone call from him on every appropriate holiday I find the polite part of myself wanting to return the favor. In the store I read […]
I Never Feel Like I Am Enough
I really struggle with feeling like I am enough. Everything that I have accomplished I thought I was doing for myself but I always seem to be looking for recognition from others, especially my father. He expects everything from me that I expect from myself but I just want to feel like he is proud […]
Should I Stay Or Should I Go
I really do not want to be married any longer but I am afraid of splitting up our family. My own mother left my father when my sisters and I were little and I always resented her for that. I thought that my parents should have worked things out between themselves and kept us all […]
Showing Up Offline
I am really good at having online relationships with men and not so good when it comes to having the real thing. I can hide my slightly overweight body and less than perfect skin and feel really confident from my laptop but, I completely lose my sense of confidence when I am interacting with them […]