The happiest memories of my childhood are from the times spent with my mother. I was an extension of her and she loved and adored me with all of her heart. I wanted to be a mother myself one day too share this sweet relationship with my own child. I am 34 years old and three years into a beautiful marriage with my husband. We are still not pregnant. We have had all the fertility testing and there are no physical problems for either of us. I have never wanted anything more in my whole life and have never prayed harder for anything either.I am beginning to feel like this may never happen for us. Can you shine your light on our problem, please?
Your relationship with your own mother sounds magical. I can imagine how difficult this must be for you and your husband. Sometimes we want something so badly that in the process of holding it so tightly we are actually creating resistance around the very thing that we are asking and praying for. May I suggest that you and your husband relax and approach getting pregnant in a different way. You have already ruled out all of the medical reasons and this is something that should allow you to create some ease around the entire subject; however it sounds like as a result of this information, you have actually placed more pressure upon yourselves. This is an example of resistance. I believe that one of the most helpful things that you can do for yourselves is to drop the entire subject of getting pregnant and focus upon having hot, hot passionate and as often as possible sex and more sex with your husband. This new focus has no resistance and is all about having fun and reconnecting yourselves with one another for the purpose of pleasure, intimacy and loving connection. From this place you are now wide open to receiving, and did you know that children pick us to be their parents, we do not pick them. Relax have fun breathe and allow yourself to be picked as you are going to be one amazing mother!!!!!!