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I Lost My Best Friend

My 13 year old dog died last week and I died with her. I have never felt such a deep sense of loss and sorrow. When I lost my mother two years ago I did not experience thisĀ  depth of pain. I cannot get out of bed to go to work. I have not answered my telephone or text messages, I am completely paralyzed by my own sense of grief. I do not know how I am going to go on without her because she was my connection to everything especially myself. Please help me!

It is without question one of the most unbearable feelings to endure when we lose a part of ourselves that happens to be a member of the animal kingdom. It is not a pain that we could ever prepare ourselves for and my heart goes out to you. This is going to take time and time is what I suggest that you give to yourself. It is a different amount of time for each individual and may I suggest that you be very gentle with yourself in the process. There are pet loss grief support groups that you may find helpful but once again, only you are going to know when and if that time will come for you. You are going to go on and thinking about your beloved partner can only be of help to you as she was how you maintained your connection with yourself. So, tap into all of the goodness that your unconditionally loving 4 legged friend gave you and use these beautiful memories as the strength that you are going to need to get yourself through this. Our animals my have left our sides but their unconditional love for us lives on and on and on. Please use her as your greatest excuse to remain connected to yourself as she would have only wanted it that way

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