Wished for and most welcome

Reaching Out

When I reach out to help my friends in need I get pulled under and my own life suffers. How can I be there for them and not undermine my stability and self growth?

The interesting thing about helping our friends in need is that we can only be helpful to them if we remain in our stability which most often comes from the connection that we have created with ourselves. When you place your attention upon their difficulty you have disconnected yourself to do so and are then contributing to their difficulty. Think about it, how can you effectively help another from your greatest point of weakness, your disconnected self? The surest way to help your friends is to remain in your powerful place of connection where your vibration is high. Your connected presence is what will assist them the most with their difficulty. No one can pull you under, and you can use your friends as your greatest excuse to either separate yourself from you or they can become the very reason why you are choosing to remain in your connection where you feel the most inspired to tap into your ongoing self growth.

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