I am happily married yet find myself checking out other men like all of the time. What is wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you. Just because your on a diet it does not mean that you cannot read the dessert menu. We can be physically attracted to many people and it does not mean a thing. These other physical attractions can actually help keep your sexual juices flowing and make your romantic partnership with your husband interesting and satisfying.
This entry was posted on Friday, July 6th, 2012 at 1:46 am and is filed under Consciousness, Highlights, Love and Relationships, Psychologically Speaking, Sex and More Sex, Vibrationally Speaking and tagged with Allowing, communication, Connection, Energy, Loving, Role-playing, Self-love, Sex, Temptation, Trusting, truth. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.