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Posts Tagged ‘Role-playing’

Checking Out Other Men

I am happily married yet find myself checking out other men like all of the time. What is wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with you. Just because your on a diet it does not mean that you cannot read the dessert menu. We can be physically attracted to many people and it does not […]

Cannot Compete With Pornography

I have run out of ways to hold my boyfriends attention in the bedroom. I know that this is my issue and you are probably going to say that I am being insecure but I cannot compete with all the pornographic sites that I find him perusing. How can I trump something that is not […]

She Is Reading A Sex Trilogy

My wife reads a lot and I usually do not give much thought to her reading selections but this book has really gotten my attention. Not only is she reading a sex trilogy she wants me to blind fold her with my tie take her over my knee and spank her and then have kinky […]

A Dangerously Delightful Proposition

We consider ourselves the gang of six. It is me, my two best girlfriends and their husbands. We all got married and had our children at the same time, have gone on every spring vacation together and continue to celebrate our grown children’s highs and lows, together. My girlfriends and I are all turning 50 […]

So Now What

My father beat my mother daily and when I turned 13 I stepped in and called the police. We moved away from my father that year and have not seen him since. I am now 22 years old and have come to realize that every women that I get involved with is somehow needing to […]

Spicing Up My Sex Life?

What are some fun ways to spice things up in my sex life? It all begins in our minds. When we are able to put our other thoughts and worries away and allow ourselves to engage in the pleasure of thinking about sex, talking about sex, fantasying about sex we can then begin to reconnect […]

Role-playing – am I enough for her?

Sex with my wife of 3 years has always been and continues to be hot and exciting. She keeps it fresh and interesting and is really into role playing. Sometimes I worry that the reason she is always changing it up in the bedroom is because I am not enough for her. – Anonymous You […]