Searching For My Place In This Lifetime
Do think that we are all here to do or be something special. I am searching to find my place and purpose in this lifetime. Would you offer me some guidance? Yes, I do believe that we all come here in physical to have a spiritual experience. I also believe that each and every one […]
Wanting Verification
My sister is one of those people who looks on the bright side of every situation. I really appreciated that about her when we were growing up. The problem is that now I cannot get her to admit to having had the same horribly dysfunctional childhood that I know for a fact that we both […]
Taking A Stance
Is there a difference between taking a stance and being clear? Great question! When we take a stance we are in essence proclaiming something. There tends to be a lot of resistance in that action. It is like we are having to completely reject one thing in order to accept another. Clarity feels different. When […]
Money Worries
I worry about money all the time. When I have money I worry, when I have less money I worry. If it is not about the money, than what is it really about? You have already figured out the most important part of your worries and that is, it is in fact NOT about the […]
Getting Our Needs Met
If we only have unconditional relationships with people how on earth do we ever get our needs met? The way that you have asked this question leads me to belive that you believe that our needs are meant to be met by others. I have a different senseability about this. Our choice to unconditionally love, […]
Career Change
I have been living on my own since leaving my dysfunctional alcoholic mother and her big time loser live in boyfriend. As a straight A student in high school I used to dream about going to college and actually making something of myself. I have been supporting myself by waitressing at a diner in the […]
My Double Life
I have always felt as if I am living a double life. Where I came from is not anywhere that anyone that I know could ever imagine or understand. I have successfully escaped the nightmare that I call ‘my childhood’, so I thought. The identity that I have created for myself is reflected in my […]
My Wife
My wife is a devout follower of Abraham Hicks and you of course. She takes complete responsibility for her own happiness and never comments on my perpetual state of unhappiness. I feel bad about myself when I consider the lack of contribution that I make to her internal happy state of being. My greatest fear […]
Losing Her Virginity
If a women loses her virginity, does it mean that she no longer deserves to be respected? I have always thought about virginity as something that you give away happily and willingly. We must honor and cherish ourselves; both of which fall into the category of deeply respecting ourselves. It is a beautiful thing when […]
The Mantra In Our House
When I was growing up the mantra in our house was “be happy with what you have”. I have always been happy and always wanted more of everything for myself and my family. My parents saw me as an ungrateful only child and discouraged my desire to want more. As an adult I have become successful […]
Vibrations That Are Not Our Own
What do you do when you know that you have picked up vibrations that are not your own? I love your question. We all have actually unconsciously picked up all kinds of vibrations from our family of origin that are not our own and have little to do with us. It is a wonderful opportunity […]
My Unfaithful Husband
After almost 40 years of marriage I just discovered that my husband has been unfaithful. He admitted to me that he has been so at different times during our marriage but currently this is not one of them. This discovery came to my attention a few days before one of our grown children was to […]
Their Choices Have Consequences
How do we as parents make our children understand that the choices they make today have consequences that will effect their entire lives? I do not believe that we can make our children do anything. What I do believe is that we can assist our children in tuning into themselves and trusting themselves to make […]
Life Long Issue With Weight
My mother has been battling with her weight for as long as I have been alive and old enough to be aware of it which was age 5. I am now 32 years old. She has tried every diet known to man kind. This is my confusion, every time my mom begins to have some […]
Turning My Dream Into Reality
Hi Jamie. I am a big fan of your website. You make me feel that this is a safe place to share my dream and ask you if there is anything more that I should do before I make it my reality. Here goes: I am tall, skinny and flat as a board. I have […]
Allowing Parents
My parents were very strict and controlling with both myself and my siblings. I was the black sheep of the family. I broke free and became somewhat wild throughout my teen age years. I knew that I was going to trust my own children and let them be free to experience life. My husband and […]
Vivid Dreams
My mother had a peaceful transition six months ago. For the past week I have been having vivd dreams. In these dreams it seems as if she is trying to tell me something. I wake up in the night in a cold sweat completely freaked out. Is it possible that she is trying to tell […]
Politics Are Killing My Marriage
When my wife and I married we agreed to take two subjects off of the table politics and religion. This has worked well for us up until these past few months. We abandoned our agreement and now both of these subjects are putting considerable distance between us in our marriage. How can I stop reacting […]
Needing Other People
Do you think that it is possible to become so happy being in our own company that we stop needing other people? I believe that when we have a connected loving relationship with our selves which stems from the ongoing internal conversation that we go on to have with our selves, we feel good. From […]
“The Truth”
Why is it so hard for people to tell the truth? I feel like everyone is so fake. We are coached from a very early age to tell people what they want to hear instead of what we are actually feeling and thinking. This way of communicating tends to follow us into our adult lives. […]
People Pleaser
I am and have always been a “people pleaser.” I hear my own inner voice but I do not listen to it often. I am afraid that if I am true to myself that I will end up all alone. How can I become true to myself without setting other peoples needs aside. This is an interesting […]
Not Feeling Confident & Sexy
I have been 60 lbs over weight for most of my adult life. Last year on my 37th birthday at the strong suggestion of my MD I began a diet and exercise program and have lost almost all of the weight. My friends and family told me that I was going to have more confidence […]
Taking Their Own Life
Why would someone who has everything, a loving family, financial stability and more friends then god take their own life? It is one of the most difficult things for the people who have been left behind to wrap their minds and hearts around. I believe that each and every one of us come into this […]